The psychotherapist’s profile summary displays a few key summary to the doctor’s photo, name, education, participations to ahealo’s promotion, services, available schedule, spoken languages, and price per hour.
Doctor’s photo: A display of the psychotherapist’s professional photo
Name: The psychotherapist’s first and last name
Education: The psychotherapist’s first professional education
Accept Promo: If you see this text, this means that the psychotherapist is participating in ahealo’s promotional offers, and the use of promo code is enabled for discount during appointment booking
Services: The list of professional services provided by the psychotherapist
Available: The day-of-the-week, where the psychotherapist is available. For the detailed schedule, kindly click on Book Now, to find out the exact schedule slots made available by the psychotherapist
Language: The types of spoken language offered by the psychotherapists
Price: Generalized based on the hourly rate. Kindly note that different psychotherapists will offer different psychotherapy session durations, ranging from 15, 30, 45, and 60 mins. The actual price per session will be displayed when bookings are selected
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