This basic information page allows you to enter first & last name, contact number, gender, age, time zone, and biography
Email ID: The email ID that you used during the registration. Do note that email ID cannot be changed due to security and personal identification issue.
First Name: Your First Name (Mandatory). For professional reason, the First Name listed here should be as per your passport or driving license.
Last Name: Your Last Name (Mandatory). Same requirement as First Name
Phone Number: The contact number to reach you. Kindly note that this contact information is private to Ahealo only. We will not be displaying your contact number to our users.
Gender: Your gender (Mandatory). You can have the option to select “Do not wish to disclose here”.
Age: How old are you (in years)
Time Zone: To indicate which time zone are you in. Your time zone setting will automatically offer the time zone of the user for displaying your schedule
Biography: Your professional biography. Your biography will be displayed to our users as part of your professional profile
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