by Dr. Keith Kueh | Aug 13, 2024 | Blog
by Dr. Keith Kueh | Jun 4, 2021 | Anxiety Disorder, Blog
Anxiety is an emotions identified by having feelings of worrisome thoughts, tension, and bodily changes like increasing blood pressure. Anxiety disorders characterized by usually having more recurring intrusive concerns and thoughts. Physical symptoms may also arise...
by Dr. Keith Kueh | May 28, 2021 | Blog, Depressive disorder
Depression is a common and serious illness that has a negative effect on people’s living, the way you feel, think and act. Depression causes variety of negative feelings like sadness, negative emotions, and loss of interest in pleasurable activities etc. Such causes...
by Dr. Keith Kueh | Feb 25, 2021 | Blog, General
Many people can enjoy gambling without it becoming a problem, but over time, some people develop a gambling addiction that can ruin their lives. Compulsive gambling is a progressive illness, so even if you’ve gambled before and been okay, a problem could develop later...
by Dr. Keith Kueh | Feb 22, 2021 | Blog, General
Goal setting is important for those who want to improve their life. Setting goals helps you remain accountable for the things you want to achieve. Goal setting is even more important for those in counseling and therapy. Not knowing how to properly set up goals can...
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