Anxiety is something that most people experience at different levels. Even if you believe you’re mentally healthy, there’s still a chance that you’ve experienced anxiety, as well.
Tremor is one of the most common anxiety symptoms and one of the most potent ways to tell that you are anxious. When you experience anxiety, your brain discharges intensified neurons. The nerve cells increase muscles’ hyperactivation, resulting in different abnormal movements like involuntary jerking and tremors.
What does having trembling and anxiety do to a person?
Having anxiety impacts many areas of people’s lives, but it mostly affects people’s ability to cope with tasks that are, to many people, mundane and simple. Doing something as simple as talking on the phone can trigger anxiety symptoms, leaving people feeling confused, resulting in strange responses or no response.
Is there any Way to Help Fight Tremors and Anxiety?
There are many effective ways to subdue trembling and anxiety in which psychotherapy and anxiety counseling are the most helpful ways to manage. Just remember that avoiding socializing, isolating yourself, and stigmatizing your life is no treatment, ever! Let’s focus on discussing some existing therapies here. Here are 10 ways you can subdue tremors and anxiety:
Routine Life Things to Work on ASAP!
1. Sleep Cycle
Ever wonder why you feel more anxious late at night when you lie in bed and try to sleep but can’t? When you’re sleep-deprived, your body’s neurons don’t function properly, and your body doesn’t get the chance to produce a healthy amount of protein that aids in repairing cells.
Sleep deprivation can also lead to brain fog, increased trembling, high blood pressure, and many other complications. Getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night is crucial. This can be tricky because insomnia is a common problem among people who suffer from anxiety disorders.
Over 50% of people who suffer from anxiety disorders also have sleep problems. Here’s what you should do if you have trouble sleeping at night – don’t look at your phone or work emails before you go to bed. Keep all of your electronics in a different room, and make sure your room is completely dark. If you feel you have to do something before sleeping, then try reading a book. Don’t drink coffee more than 400 mg as it can result in increased anxiety.
These are small steps that you can take to make sure you sleep well and wake up feeling refreshed.
2. Exercise Daily
Do you ever pass a mirror and refrain from looking at yourself in it because your brain is always telling you that you’re not good enough? Low self-esteem is a common symptom of anxiety disorders, and regular exercise is a great way to combat it.
According to one study, physical activities are directly related to self-esteem and positively impact our lives. If you feel you lack the motivation or the energy to begin exercising, here’s what you can do:
a. Find a “gym partner” and start exercising with them. Having someone to exercise with can be highly motivating, and it helps you stick to your exercise plan.
b. Play some music when you’re exercising. Music has been known to increase people’s moods, and it’s easier to lift weights when you have something playing in the background.
c. It would be best if you exercised for at least an hour every day. It isn’t easy in the beginning to exercise for that long but try doing some light exercises for 10-15 minutes. Then slowly move on to a more intense workout while increasing the duration and frequency.
Regular exercise is beneficial to ease anxiety. Your brain will release feel-good endorphins – natural cannabis-like brain chemicals, along with other natural brain chemicals that can improve your sense of well-being.

3. Acupuncture
According to the acupuncture physician Samadhi Artemisia, the very nature of acupuncture is calming. According to The Acupuncture Evidence Project, acupuncture has shown to be more effective in treating anxiety than other conventional methods.
It is a peaceful activity that, just like exercise, releases endorphins, which will uplift your mood. Just make sure you find a licensed acupuncture physician who knows how to deal with anxiety symptoms.
4. The Happy Place
Close your eyes and go to your happy place and stay there for a while. Is it a beach? Or a galaxy far, far away? Think and smile at how it makes you happy every time you think about it.
Imagining your happy place will help you calm your tremors and anxiety while boosting your mental health. This activity can help keep you grounded in reality. It’ll also help you understand why it’s more important to focus on the good stuff than burdening yourself with anxiety.
When a person experiences anxiety, it’s common for them to have negative thoughts. Imagining your happy place is a great way to interrupt those negative thoughts.
Slowly but surely, the happy place focus will help you overcome the negative energy you experience.
5. Eat Good, Stay Healthy
You have heard of this phrase all your life, right? There are lots of foods that can contribute to an increase in anxiety. For example, did you know that sugar can exacerbate your anxiety? While it’s essential to eat a balanced diet containing sugar, carbohydrates, protein, and fats, too much sugar can worsen your symptoms.
Cut back on sugar, and you’ll start to see improvement in your mental health. Try to eat foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin-B. Foods such as fish, avocado, yogurt, oysters, legumes, nuts, etc., will benefit your health.
What you eat can have a considerable impact on your mental health, so make sure you’re eating the right stuff!
6. Dr. Positive
Everyone has that one person around them who loves living to the fullest, who sees the positive side of absolutely anything and everything. They are the Dr. Positives, and you need one of them around you.
They can be a friend, colleague, acquaintance, relative, or partner. Talk to them once in a while, discuss random topics, take their opinions on the small stuff, and feel inspired enough to adopt the things they believe.
Of course, many people who don’t have anxiety will find it hard to understand your symptoms but remind yourself that the reason they’re trying to help you is that they care.
Having someone who makes you challenge your negative thoughts can be helpful. Because if you keep overthinking everything and don’t share your thoughts with anyone, you’ll believe every single thought that comes to your head.
It’s important to share your thoughts with someone who encourages you to think differently because talking about your thoughts aloud will help you better understand them.
7. Breathe in the Positive Energy, Breathe out the Negative Vibes
This is very easy and very effective. You know the anxiety is about to attack, and it’s just there, and it’s about to take you. Relax your mind now! Take a deep breath and think positive things about your situation, and completely forget about the negativity.
There are two ways to breathe – one is through the abdomen, and the other is through the chest. When people get anxious, they unknowingly begin to breathe through their chest, which disturbs the body’s oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, leading to increased trembling and anxiety.
If you notice that your chest rises more than your abdomen, then it’s because you’re breathing through your chest. Here’s a breathing exercise that you can try to make yourself feel a little less anxious: Relax your shoulders and take deep breaths through your nose. Make sure your chest doesn’t rise too much. Breathe out through your mouth while keeping your jaw relaxed. Keep doing this exercise for a few minutes, and you’ll start to feel better.

8. Try to Stay Busy
You can keep your mind occupied with stuff. Keep doing something, anything. Go for a walk, eat, write, watch funny videos or movies. Dancing is fun, too. Try to fight anxiety and tremors by challenging yourself, call a friend, and talk for an hour.
Your anxiety will tell you that it’s impossible because you fear talking or being in situations where you have to socialize, but that’s a challenge you have to win. Kill anxiety at the root.
Try keeping a journal and write about things that make you feel good about it. Read it from time to time to remind yourself that there are things you appreciate, and life isn’t as bleak as your brain says it is.
Do anything that will keep your mind off your symptoms because just thinking about them can aggravate your anxiety.
9. Medication
If you feel nothing is helping, then try treating your anxiety with medication. A doctor will listen to you, understand you, and help you. Many different medicines can treat anxiety. Your doctor will help you decide which one is right for you.
Some common medications include:
- Benzodiazepine – This medication helps your muscles relax and reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety.
- SSRI (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) – SSRIs help improve your mood by preventing nerve cells from absorbing serotonin, leaving more of it available.
- Tricyclic antidepressants – These medications work similar to SSRIs, but they affect norepinephrine more than serotonin, and SSRIs are replacing them.
10. Psychotherapy and Anxiety Counseling
If the prescribed medications are not effective or don’t make much of a difference to your condition, then consulting a psychotherapist is your best option. You can even get anxiety counseling alongside your medication.
It might be helpful if a friend, family member, or partner, accompany you in these sessions. Personal counseling can also help to identify those situations that displease or discomfort you. Ultimately, you need to decide what type of therapy is best suited for you.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is proven to be effective in treating anxiety. Your psychotherapist will help you understand what causes you to feel anxious and work with you to change your thoughts and reactions. You are encouraged to face your fears head-on. Over time, you will realize that the negative thoughts and emotions you think will happen are highly unlikely.
Trembling and Anxiety shall pass. Just believe in yourself.
Lastly, “You’re not going to die. Here’s the white-hot truth: if you go bankrupt, you’ll still be okay. If you lose the gig, the lover, the house, you’ll still be okay. If you sing off-key, get beat by the competition, have your heart shattered, get fired… it’s not going to kill you. Ask anyone who’s been through it.” —Danielle

Alternatively, if you need to seek psychotherapy, be sure to check out Ahealo is an online psychotherapy platform with a diverse range of psychotherapists for many different fields of mental challenges. Ahealo provides ePsychotherapy at an affordable price, confidential, convenient (through a web page 1-1 private video call), and at your comfortable schedule.
With these options, we believe your trembling can be resolved soon.
Take care, and stay well.